When planning a large purchase or engaging in an important contract, organizations typically make a formal call for options and then systematically evaluate them to make the right choice. This process often takes the form of a structured request for quotes (RFQ) or request for proposals (RFP), and their comparative evaluation using defined criteria.
There are many good reasons to engage a third-party to manage this kind of work: increased neutrality, accountability and expertise are reasons we often hear—but sometimes it’s also just too much work for someone in-house to manage in addition to their other duties.
Examples of initiatives which might require a formally managed procurement process include large contracts for supplies (like promotional material), coordination for a specific project (like large-scale event management), the development of new internal systems (like information technology infrastructure), or the provision of services (like financial auditing).
We work with organizations to assess their needs, choose fair metrics for evaluation, find appropriate contract options, and evaluate bids professionally and objectively. From drafting a notice that accurately outlines your organization’s criteria to helping you select a final offer, we implement best practices and offer impartial guidance.
An example of a project in this category:
You’re planning your labour federation’s semi-annual conference, and you’re expecting almost a thousand delegates from across the country. You’ve been tasked with purchasing promotional material packages for delegates to bring back to their locals totaling almost two hundred thousand dollars (in tote bags, t-shirts, mugs, handbooks, training guides, hoodies, pens and more). You want to get the best deal on all these products, but don’t know where to start.
We help you determine the specifications for your desired materials, like quantity, product types, target budget, and material restrictions (for example, you only want union-made or ecologically friendly products). Then we put together your request for quotes (RFQ), issue it to appropriate suppliers, deal with the hundreds of emails from respondents, compile the results, and present you with an analysis of your best options.
All of this is done, quickly and at a rate that ends up being a small fraction of the money you saved by doing a proper RFQ and objectively evaluating your options—which means more money to spend on that awesome keynote speaker.